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niedziela, 8 stycznia 2017

Internet orange free APN ustawienia modmeu gsm Dial-up Settings

Poniżej dane dostępowe dla modemu/router'a GSM operatora ISP orange:
Na przykładzie Vodafone HUAWEI B970 3G Router.

PPP User Name:Nazwa użytkownika:internet
PPP Password:Hasło:internet
APN:internet (static/statyczny)PAP
IP Address:Adres Ip(dynamiczny)
DNS Server (dynamiczny)

Ustawienia profilu PPP router

Ustawienia PPP
PPP Settings

•  Profile list: It contains one or more of profile names.
•  PPP Connection
On Demand: The gateway automatically dials to connect internet when you attempt to send data through internet.
Manual: The gateway dials to connect internet by clicking "connect" on the connection page of the management console.
Auto: The gateway automatically dials to access internet when it is switched on.
•  PPP Authentication
The authentication mode is provided by your Internet Service Provider(ISP).
Password Authentication Protocol(PAP): It provides a simple method without encryption for the peer to establish its identity using a 2-way handshake.
Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol(CHAP): It is used to periodically verify the identity of the peer using a 3-way handshake.
CHAP+PAP: It gets an authentication method from PPP Server automatically.
•  PPP Max Idle Time: The gateway will disconnect from internet when the idle time exceeds the " PPP Max Idle Time ". By default, it is 90 seconds.
•  PPP MTU: It refers to the maximum bytes of a packet can be transmitted. By default, it is 1500 bytes.
•  PPP Max Dial Time: It refers to the maximum dial-up time. It is related to the "Manual" mode. The gateway will redial to connect to internet if it is failed in a specified time.
Profile List:   

PPP Connection:   
PPP Authentication:   
PPP Max Idle Time(s):       
PPP MTU(B):       
PPP Max Dial Time(s):       

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